“A Life Well Lived”
Be the executive producer of a professional, high definition video biopic of a “life well lived”.
Now, your biography - or the biography of another life “well lived” - can be documented in a TV-quality, high definition video by Sleeping Dog Productions, producers of TV series for The Military Channel, Outdoor Channel, Discovery Wings, Speedvision and other networks. And you can be the credited executive producer.
Lives “well lived” are, in fact, important stories; stories that should be recorded and preserved for the understanding, education and inspiration of children, grandchildren and succeeding generations. Biographies - or biopics - are not just for the famous. No story, or biography, is unimportant. Emerson wrote: “There is properly no history, only biography”. The whole cloth of history is woven from countless single biographical threads. Today, we have the digital technology no other generation has had, to make sure no story goes untold.
There are multiple benefits to creating a video biography:
- It records and preserves the image, voice, mannerisms and message of the subject. Mere photographs, no matter how numerous, can never do this.
- The process puts all of the memorabilia “in one place”. Meaningful photos, awards, documents, existing video clips, medals, and other important objects will always be available from one master source.
- It is a controlled message. So often we want those who know what we've done, to understand why and how we did it. The principal of the biography can speak directly and personally to this important context.
- A high quality video biography can be a powerful and easily distributed business and professional tool.
- It includes third party participation. Others who are important to the telling of the principal’s story can be interviewed on camera.
- It is timeless. The life events and life lessons that matter most to the principal, told in his or her own words, will be available decades from now to heirs and stakeholders personally unknown.
- It is updatable in the future.

On many levels, our lives are defined by pathways - pathways we’ve followed, pathways we’ve forged and pathways we would recommend for those who will follow us. At any given time, those who matter most to us - family, friends, colleagues, customers, employees and others - are at critical mile markers on their respective journeys. For that reason, the best time to share the experiences and insights into a “life well lived” may very well be the present.
To learn more about the process, the costs or to ask any other questions you may have about creating your TV quality biography, or producing a caring tribute to someone else, please email Jon Tennyson at jon@sleepingdogtv.com or call 920-379-6400. Every “life well lived” is as unique as a fingerprint. And that is how we approach the process of documenting them. Sleeping Dog Productions is ready to begin when you are.

To learn more about the process, the costs or to ask any other questions you may have about creating your TV quality biography, or producing a caring tribute to someone else, please email Jon Tennyson at jon@sleepingdogtv.com or call 920-379-6400. Every “life well lived” is as unique as a fingerprint. And that is how we approach the process of documenting them. Sleeping Dog Productions is ready to begin when you are.